Saturday, October 2, 2010

Be Happy, Don't worry ...

We cannot make objective decisions when our mind is filled with anger or worry
So everyday, try to have 10 minutes of quiet time.
Check to see how you are feeling
Identify the things that are causing you heart ache
Try to resolve them

It becomes a lot easier to make objective decisions when your mind is free and happy :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree about a mind that is over loaded. I have to have my quiet time to clear my mind and just be in the stillness. It is so healing and revitalizing. Being grounded and in the moment is a secret to successful living. It is one of the tools that I know keeps me on purpose. If only a few minutes to begin and end the day, its better than not at all. I have been avid meditator since the early 70's. And its free, the ability is with you at any moment, you are self contained to move in to that sacred space in the moment of a deep breath. -Bobbee of www.UniversalHeartConnection
